Star All Symbols ❉✷ and Emojis ✴✳ Copy & Paste 🌠🌃

Transform your digital space with a galaxy of symbols and emojis! 🌌 Find your favorite stars ❉✥ and cosmic icons ✴✳ to copy & paste into your universe. Make your content out-of-this-world with every click! 🚀🌃

Star Emojis and Symbols

To Copy any symbol simply click/tap on it.
  • 🌠
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  • ۞
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  • ⋆ ★ ☆ ✢ ✥ ✦ ✧ ❂ ❉ ✯ ✰ ✱ ✲ ✴ ✵ ✶ ✷ ✸ ❇ ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✹ ✺ ✻ ✼ ❈ ✮
Star All Symbols ❉✷ and Emojis ✴✳ Copy & Paste 🌠🌃

Constellation Emojis Details

Black Star
White Star
Three Asterisks
Black Diamond Centred
White Diamond Centred
Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk
Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star
Black Medium Star
White Medium Star
Outlined Black Star
Open Centre Black Star
Black Centre White Star
White Centre Black Star
Six Pointed Black Star
Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star
Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star
Heavy Eight Pointed Black Star
Circled White Star
Open Centre Black Star
Black Centre White Star
Outline Black Star
Open Centre White Star
Heavy Open Centre Black Star
Heavy Asterisk
Open Centre Asterisk
Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk
Outlined Black Star
🌠Shooting Star
Black Small Star
White Four Pointed Star
White Four Pointed Star
Inverted Exclamation Mark Ornament
🌠Shooting Star
٭Arabic Five Pointed Star
Black Diamond Centred
White Diamond Centred
Heavy Eight Pointed Black Star
Heavy Eight Pointed Black Star
Circled White Star
Tight Trifoliate Snowflake
🌟Glowing Star
۞Arabic Place of Sajdah
Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk
Black Centre White Star
Outline Black Star
Outlined Black Star
Heavy Medium White Star
Circled White Star
Open Centre Black Star
Star of David
🌃Night with Stars
Slavonic Astrological Sign Capricorn
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Star symbols and emojis are ubiquitous in digital communication, used to add visual interest, convey emotion, and represent celestial objects. These versatile characters can be easily copied and pasted into a variety of contexts.

The star symbol has a long history, appearing in religious, cultural, and astrological contexts. Many star symbols have distinct meanings, such as the Star of David (✡️) in Judaism or the pentagram (✨) associated with Wicca. More generic star symbols like the classic five-pointed star (★) are widely used to represent excellence, achievement, and positive sentiments.

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