Transform your digital space with a galaxy of symbols and emojis! 🌌 Find your favorite stars ❉✥ and cosmic icons ✴✳ to copy & paste into your universe. Make your content out-of-this-world with every click! 🚀🌃
Star Emojis and Symbols
To Copy any symbol simply click/tap on it.
- ⋆
- ★
- ☆
- ✢
- ✥
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- ۞
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- ✡
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- ≛
- ꙳
- ★
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- ꙰
- ⋆ ★ ☆ ✢ ✥ ✦ ✧ ❂ ❉ ✯ ✰ ✱ ✲ ✴ ✵ ✶ ✷ ✸ ❇ ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✹ ✺ ✻ ✼ ❈ ✮

Constellation Emojis Details
Symbol-Emojis | Meaning |
⋆ | Star |
★ | Black Star |
☆ | White Star |
✢ | Three Asterisks |
✥ | Asterism |
✦ | Black Diamond Centred |
✧ | White Diamond Centred |
❂ | Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk |
❉ | Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star |
✯ | Black Medium Star |
✰ | White Medium Star |
✱ | Outlined Black Star |
✲ | Open Centre Black Star |
✴ | Black Centre White Star |
✵ | White Centre Black Star |
✶ | Six Pointed Black Star |
✷ | Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star |
✸ | Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star |
❇ | Sparkle |
✩ | Heavy Eight Pointed Black Star |
✪ | Circled White Star |
✫ | Open Centre Black Star |
✬ | Black Centre White Star |
✭ | Outline Black Star |
✹ | Open Centre White Star |
✺ | Heavy Open Centre Black Star |
✻ | Heavy Asterisk |
✼ | Open Centre Asterisk |
❈ | Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk |
✮ | Outlined Black Star |
🌠 | Shooting Star |
⭑ | Black Small Star |
✣ | White Four Pointed Star |
✤ | White Four Pointed Star |
✺ | Inverted Exclamation Mark Ornament |
⭐ | Star |
⭐ | Star |
🌠 | Shooting Star |
٭ | Arabic Five Pointed Star |
✦ | Black Diamond Centred |
✧ | White Diamond Centred |
✩ | Heavy Eight Pointed Black Star |
✰ | Heavy Eight Pointed Black Star |
✪ | Circled White Star |
❄ | Snowflake |
❅ | Tight Trifoliate Snowflake |
🌟 | Glowing Star |
💫 | Dizzy |
۞ | Arabic Place of Sajdah |
⭒ | Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk |
✬ | Black Centre White Star |
✭ | Outline Black Star |
✮ | Outlined Black Star |
✯ | Heavy Medium White Star |
❂ | Circled White Star |
✫ | Open Centre Black Star |
✡ | Star of David |
🌃 | Night with Stars |
✨ | Sparkles |
≛ | Trine |
꙳ | Slavonic Astrological Sign Capricorn |
: Also Check The List :
Star symbols and emojis are ubiquitous in digital communication, used to add visual interest, convey emotion, and represent celestial objects. These versatile characters can be easily copied and pasted into a variety of contexts.
The star symbol has a long history, appearing in religious, cultural, and astrological contexts. Many star symbols have distinct meanings, such as the Star of David (✡️) in Judaism or the pentagram (✨) associated with Wicca. More generic star symbols like the classic five-pointed star (★) are widely used to represent excellence, achievement, and positive sentiments.