Transform your text game with the ultimate symbols and emojis! 🌟 No more bland messages; just copy and paste our trendy brackets and emojis to add that special touch to your communication. Be the text master everyone envies! 📱💬
Big Bracket Symbols
- [
- ]
- {
- }
- ⁅
- ⁆
- ⟨
- ⟩
- ⎡
- ⎢
- ⎣
- ⎤
- ⎥
- ⎦
- ⎧
- ⎨
- ⎩
- ⎪
- ⎫
- ⎬
- ⎭
- ⎰
- ⎱
- ⎴
- ⎵
- ⎶
- ⏞
- ⏟
- ⏠
- ⏡
- ❬
- ❭
- ❰
- ❱
- ❲
- ❳
- ❴
- ❵
- ⟦
- ⟧
- ⟨
- ⟩
- ⟪
- ⟫
- ⟬
- ⟭
- ⦃
- ⦄
- ⦇
- ⦈
- ⦉
- ⦊
- ⦋
- ⦌
- ⦍
- ⦎
- ⦏
- ⦐
- ⦑
- ⦒
- ⦓
- ⦔
- ⦕
- ⦖
- ⦗
- ⦘
- ⧼
- ⧽
- ⸂
- ⸃
- ⸄
- ⸅
- ⸉
- ⸊
- ⸌
- ⸍
- ⸜
- ⸝
- ⸢
- ⸣
- ⸤
- ⸥
- ⸦
- ⸧
- 〈
- 〉
- 《
- 》
- 「
- 」
- 『
- 』
- 【
- 】
- 〔
- 〕
- 〖
- 〗
- 〘
- 〙
- 〚
- 〛
- ︗
- ︷
- ︸
- ︹
- ︺
- ︻
- ︼
- ︽
- ︾
- ︿
- ﹀
- ﹁
- ﹂
- ﹃
- ﹄
- ﹇
- ﹈
- ﹛
- ﹜
- ﹝
- ﹞
- [
- ]
- {
- }
- 「
- 」
- 𝄕
Square Bracket Symbol
- [
- ]
- 〚
- 〛
- ⟦
- ⟧
- 【
- 】
- 〖
- 〗
- 〔
- 〕
- ❲
- ❳
- ⎴
- ⎵
Bracket Symbols with Names
Symbol | Emoji/Symbol Name |
『••✎••』 | Aesthetic Bracket Symbol |
︻⋆︻⋆︻⋆︻⋆︻ | “” |
︼⋆︼⋆︼⋆︼⋆︼ | “” |
┍━━━━━»•» 🌺 «•«━┑ | Aesthetic Bracket Symbol |
┕━»•» 🌺 «•«━━━━━┙ | “” |
⌢⌢⌢⌢⌢⌢ | “” |
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ | “” |
┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ | “” |
⚛》》》◆《《《⚛ | “” |
– – ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ – – | “” |
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《 | “” |
≪ °❈° ≫ | “” |
»»——-¤——-«« | “” |
『 | Left Double Quotation Mark |
』 | Right Double Quotation Mark |
「 | Left Corner Bracket |
」 | Right Corner Bracket |
【 | Left Black Lenticular Bracket |
】 | Right Black Lenticular Bracket |
〔 | Left Tortoise Shell Bracket |
〕 | Right Tortoise Shell Bracket |
︵ | Presentation Form for Vertical Left Parenthesis |
︶ | Presentation Form for Vertical Right Parenthesis |
︷ | Presentation Form for Vertical Left Curly Bracket |
︸ | Presentation Form for Vertical Right Curly Bracket |
︹ | Presentation Form for Vertical Left Tortoise Shell Bracket |
︺ | Presentation Form for Vertical Right Tortoise Shell Bracket |
︻ | Presentation Form for Vertical Left Square Bracket |
︼ | Presentation Form for Vertical Right Square Bracket |
︽ | Presentation Form for Vertical Left Double Angle Bracket |
︾ | Presentation Form for Vertical Right Double Angle Bracket |
︿ | Presentation Form for Vertical Left Corner Bracket |
﹀ | Presentation Form for Vertical Right Corner Bracket |
﹁ | Small Left Vertical Parenthesis |
﹂ | Small Right Vertical Parenthesis |
﹃ | Small Left Curly Bracket |
﹄ | Small Right Curly Bracket |
( | Fullwidth Left Parenthesis |
) | Fullwidth Right Parenthesis |
< | Fullwidth Less-Than Sign |
> | Fullwidth Greater-Than Sign |
{ | Fullwidth Left Curly Bracket |
} | Fullwidth Right Curly Bracket |
〖 | Left White Lenticular Bracket |
〗 | Right White Lenticular Bracket |
〘 | Left White Tortoise Shell Bracket |
〙 | Right White Tortoise Shell Bracket |
〚 | Left White Square Bracket |
〛 | Right White Square Bracket |
« | Left-pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark |
» | Right-pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark |
《 | Left Double Angle Bracket |
》 | Right Double Angle Bracket |
≫ | Right Double Angle Quotation Mark |
≪ | Left Double Angle Quotation Mark |
Check This List ::

Discover a captivating collection of bracket symbols and emojis for your text. Add flair and creativity with various types of brackets, including round brackets ( ), square brackets [ ], curly brackets { }, and angled brackets < >.
Elevate your communication by seamlessly combining these bracket symbols and expressive emojis in your messages, posts, and captions. Unleash your imagination and embrace the power of symbols to enhance your text with personality and style.