Unlock the Magic: Copy and Paste V Symbols! Dive into a Wonderland of V-shaped wonders—Ⓥ, ṽ, ṿ, and more! Spice up your text with these mystical glyphs. 🌟✨
V Letter Symbols
To Copy any symbol simply click/tap on it.
- 𝓿
- Ṿ
- Ṿ
- ṿ
- ៴
- √
- ݍ
- ⛛
- ᐁ
- ౮
- ᕂ
- ✓
- ṽ
- 🜄
- ⒱
- Ʋ
- ύ
- 𝓥
- ߜ
- 𝘝
- 𝐕
- 𝜈
- ⓥ
- 🇻
- 𝞶
- ⌵
- 𝜐
- 𝐯
- 𝚅
- Ɐ
- 𝘃
- ⋁
- 𝛎
- ν
- Ѵ
- ʊ
- ⋎
- 𝑉
- ѵ
- 𝙑
- ͮ
- 𝚟
- Vᜱ
- ሆ
- ᵛ
- 𝒗
- ∀
- 𝑙𝑎
- 𝓻
- 𝜵
- 𝑽
- 𝘷
- ˅
- ᕓ
- 𝑣
- ٧
- v∇
- ᐺ
- 𝝂
- 𝝯
- 𝛖
- ۷
- 𝙫
- 𝝊
- ᜠ

: Also Check The List :
Character | Character Name |
V | Latin Capital Letter V |
ṽ | Latin Small Letter V with Tilde |
ṿ | Latin Small Letter V with Dot Below |
v | Latin Small Letter V |
Ṽ | Latin Capital Letter V with Tilde |
Ṿ | Latin Capital Letter V with Dot Below |
𝘃 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Small V |
Ѵ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa |
⋁ | Logical Or |
∀ | For All |
ᵛ | Latin Small Letter V with Superscript Small V |
ѵ | Cyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa |
𝝊 | Mathematical Bold Small Nu |
Ʋ | Latin Capital Letter U with Horn |
🜄 | Alchemical Symbol For Brimstone |
𝓥 | Mathematical Bold Italic Capital V |
ᜠ | Philippine Script Capital V |
Ꮴ | Cherokee Letter V |
ᜱ | Philippine Script Small V |
ᐺ | Canadian Syllabics O |
ᕂ | Canadian Syllabics Hya |
Ṿ | Latin Capital Letter V with Dot Below |
√ | Square Root |
៴ | Khmer Sign Avakrahasanya |
✓ | Check Mark |
🇻 | Regional Indicator Symbol Letter V |
ύ | Greek Small Letter Upsilon with Oxia |
౮ | Telugu Digit Six |
ሆ | Ethiopic Syllable Ho |
ݍ | Arabic Small High Sad |
𝝯 | Mathematical Bold Capital Upsilon |
∇ | Nabla |
ν | Greek Small Letter Nu |
ᐁ | Canadian Syllabics E |
Ɐ | Latin Capital Letter Turned A |
𝐕 | Mathematical Bold Capital V |
𝚅 | Mathematical Monospace Capital V |
𝚟 | Mathematical Monospace Small V |
𝐯 | Mathematical Bold Small V |
⋎ | Curly Logical Or |
𝙑 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital V |
ͮ | Combining Double Inverted Breve |
ߜ | Nko Letter La |
۷ | Arabic-Indic Digit Seven |
٧ | Arabic-Indic Digit Seven |
𝙫 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Small V |
𝞶 | Mathematical Bold Capital Nu |
ᕓ | Canadian Syllabics Nya |
𝘷 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Small V |
𝑽 | Mathematical Italic Capital V |
𝘝 | Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Capital V |
˅ | Latin Small Letter V with Down Tack |
𝑉 | Mathematical Italic Capital V |
𝜵 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small Nu |
ᘁ | Canadian Syllabics Hwa |
𝞩 | Mathematical Bold Small Upsilon |
𝛎 | Mathematical Italic Small Nu |
𝒗 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small V |
𝑣 | Mathematical Italic Small V |
⛛ | Heavy Greek Cross |
߇ | Nko Letter Sa |
𝜈 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small Xi |
𝛖 | Mathematical Italic Small Xi |
𝝂 | Mathematical Bold Small Xi |
𝜐 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small Pi |
ʊ | Latin Small Letter Upsilon |
𝓿 | Mathematical Bold Italic Small V |
⌵ | Downwards Arrow With Corner Leftwards |
ⓥ | Circled Latin Capital Letter V |
⒱ | Circled Latin Small Letter V |
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